Hi people,
This is the team's first project, and our group, although full of good intentions, lacks hands to finish the mod in a respectful time. At the moment we are a versatile moder (creator of another mod Moddb.com) and I, who is in charge of creating new models and providing historical information (a little busy with the university). For that, we appreciate, we need any help to swell this small team. We especially need a texturer and someone who takes care of new scenes. In addition to this, any other hand is welcome, new modelers, historians and archaeologists (although I am in charge of myself, I am more specialized in Egypt), but please, serious "historians", although any comment about the subject will be read with a looot of interest in the comments and keeped in mind.
So, you know, any texturer and constructor of scenes will be especially welcome, as well as anyone else who wants to collaborate with this project (let's say that innovative thematic project).
Regards, and we hope you like the mod project!
We dont get so much messages for help from the community,
we still need texturer and someone who takes care of new scenes or
any other new modelers, historians and anyone that can contribute
Hey, I'm a student of 3D art (currently at my last year of studying), i would like to help you as a texture artist if you are still in need of someone ;D
i can scene + have a few props that would fit tis mod! pm me!
i can translate the game into spanish, pm me haha
I could help as a historian.