Post news RSS Rebel Defiance Campaign 2: Round 1 Results

Greetings Troopers! The Rebel pilot glanced over his Y-Wing Starfighter's instruments once more to check all the boards were green and that his systems were all at full operational readiness. He then glanced over his shoulder to his gunner sitting behind him who gave him the thumbs up that all was good back there too. In a few moments they'd find out if the intel they'd been provided for this mission was on the money or not. Then as if in answer to his unspoken question...

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Greetings Troopers!


The Rebel pilot glanced over his Y-Wing Starfighter's instruments once more to check all the boards were green and that his systems were all at full operational readiness. He then glanced over his shoulder to his gunner sitting behind him who gave him the thumbs up that all was good back there too. In a few moments they'd find out if the intel they'd been provided for this mission was on the money or not. Then as if in answer to his unspoken question, a number of flashes of light and a blur of motion flared up in the void before him. A convoy of Imperial Bulk Freighters entering the edge of Kessel controlled space, just as the Bothans had promised. But no escort Frigate to accompany them? That was unusual. Especially if the cargo was as valuable as they suspected. That's when a flurry of smaller craft jumped out of hyperspace.

Hyperspace capable Imperial starfighters? That could only mean TIE Defenders. Suddenly the pilot was only too happy that they had the Alliance's brand new A-Wing Interceptors covering their backs. With the order from their squad leader given, the pilot guns his engines and the Rebel strike group moves in for the kill...

And so it begins...

The second Rebel Defiance First Strike Campaign got underway this week with smaller numbers of players than we'd have liked, but I think more will join as this thing gets going. The decision was made to play this week's matches on co-op maps with bots to bolster the numbers. Not ideal, but with the majority of this week's maps having co-op versions it was all good with only Escape From Hoth having to be substituted with Imperial Convoy Raid. As we get more players we'll switch to the bot-less Conquest maps.

Still, a fun time was had by all, and even after the official campaign games were over people still hung around to continue playing rounds into the wee hours. Also don't forget you do not have to be registered to participate, just turn up on the night and you'll be assigned a team to play for. So feel free to have a taste before you decide whether you want to commit to signing on for the campaign.

So now down to business. How exactly did these first matches go?



While on a fleet re-supply run to the Outer Rim an Imperial convoy came under heavy attack from a Rebel hit and fade strike group just on the outskirts of Kessel controlled space. A squadron of the Empire's new TIE Defender heavy starfighters were on escort duty resulting in a fierce skirmish in the depths of space as Rebel bombers swooped in to strafe the Imperial Bulk Freighters. At first the Empire's starfighter screen appeared to be holding as the advanced fighters tore through the advancing waves of Rebel Y-Wings, but the small swift and deadly A-Wing Interceptors started to leave their mark on the defending fighter craft allowing some of the bombers to get to their targets. Just as it looked like the Imperial forces would be victorious the freighters started to erupt into fiery blossoms of golden light in the darkness of the void. The Emperor will not be pleased.



Investigating a downed starship over Tatooine suspected of having ties to the Rebellion, a battalion of elite Imperial Sandtroopers moved in to the sleepy town of Mos Entha under cover of night. Seeing the flaming wreckage of the vessel in the center of town they decided to flank around the rear of the ship once sensors detected the presence of unauthorized lifeforms in the area. Engaging forces in the south of the town it became evident that these were indeed Rebels and the Imperial troops were then free to use lethal force to pacify the area. The initial firefight was fierce and hard fought, but the Imperial forces were successful. However while their forces were engaged here, other Rebel units were securing other areas of the town. The Sandtroopers swiftly moved to intercept, and before long were able to stamp out the Rebel presence in the region.



Before a powerful new Imperial sensor listening outpost can go online, a heavily equipped Rebel armoured platoon is dropped into the area with orders to neutralize the station before it becomes operational and potentially exposes all their activities in the sector. The Rebel forces get off to a fantastic start, swiftly occupying the tactically crucial landing pad complex before moving on to the installation itself. They managed to hold out against the full force of an Imperial counter attack successfully for some time, even probing the facility entrance with daring sneak attacks. However once the surprised Imperial forces stationed there finally got their act together in the face of this dangerous threat, their defensive armoured divisions finally broke through and re-secured the landing pad. Following this success rather than push forward to the Rebel staging area, the Imperial commander made the risky decision to hold their position and fortify their defenses at the landing pad, forcing the enemy to come to them. It was a gamble that paid off, as against an entrenched enemy the Rebel forces fell foul of heavy weapons fire which made short work of their armour finally defeating them. Though it was a very close call the gamble paid off.

So for this first round of battles the Empire has achieved two victories to the Rebel's one, the unadjusted scores are 25 and 20 respectively. The Rebels had two non-registered players on their side this week for all 3 rounds giving them a penalty of 3 points, so the results after the first week are as follows:

Imperials 25

Rebels 17

This gives the Empire an early lead, but obviously it is still all to play for. The Rebels need to bring their 'A' game next time, and have more registered players attending to avoid the penalties they suffered this week.

Next week there will be no games as I'm away and Twigs will also not be in attendance. By all means turn up and have a few community games instead next Sunday if you wish, get some practice in for when the Campaign resumes the week after on Sunday the 1st of September, where the battle to control the Galaxy will continue on:

Escape from Hoth

Tatooine: Mos Espa

Bandomeer: Refinery Assault

So now the Galactic conflict is just commencing, lines are being drawn in the sand, but who will end up victorious?

If you feel you have the skills to help out either faction in its quest to rule the galaxy, head on over to:

Rebel Defiance Campaign Registration

To register for the campaign and restore order/freedom to the galaxy.

Until next time...

See you on the Battlefield Troopers!

SHOGUN996 - - 973 comments

I will be there:)

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Dejected-Angel - - 1,366 comments

Holy ****, this looks great.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
GeneralOkar - - 38 comments

Never mind fixed it by deleting all board cookies

Hey when I register for an account on the forums it says "The entered e-mail address is already in use."

I did make a previous account under the name General Okar but I didn't do anything with it so it has been shutdown but not fully closed so I can't make a new account with my current e-mail address since the General Okar uses the same e-mail address.

Could you please fully close down General Okar or use some other method so I can register this new account with my e-mail.

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GeneralOkar - - 38 comments

Actually regarding to this comment deleting all board cookies did not work so could you please do what I have said above.

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TALON_UK - - 1,156 comments

Will see what we can do. The guy in charge of that site is currently away on holiday, but when he gets back I'll get him to look into this for you.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
TALON_UK - - 1,156 comments

If you know the email it was registered under and the user name, can't you just ask for a password prompt to be sent to your email for the existing account?

Try this first, and if you still have problems I'll ask our webmaster for that forum to delete the account. He's away on holiday now, but will be back soon.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
GeneralOkar - - 38 comments

Sorry for sound like a massive noob.
But how would I get a password prompt sent out to my email?
Because I assumed on the login screen there would be a
"I forgot my password" button but there is nothing like it there.

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TALON_UK - - 1,156 comments

Worry not, you're not a Noob. I just logged out and tried to log in with an incorrect password, and it gave me a message that you must contact an administrator. So that board must not have the automated lost password functionality built in. The administrator for that site will be back in a few days and he can sort you out. Sorry about the delay.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Mitthrawnuruodochiss - - 246 comments

What is this for? Looks cool!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
TALON_UK - - 1,156 comments

Thanks for the kind words. What game is it a mod for? BF2142. If you mean what is the event for, it is to raise awareness of the mod and encourage people to come out and play.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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