Realism Invictus 3.3
Dear friends, I am here yet again with a new version of Realism: Invictus mod. This mod has been in development an astounding decade to date, and is still going strong. So, what to expect from this version?
• Buildings almost never provide %production bonuses, workshop tile improvement does not exist anymore
• New specialist: craftsman, generates no GP points, but with appropriate technologies and civics can generate large amounts of production
• New buildings and effects to simulate gradual shift to industrial production (craftsmen) from cottage industries (worked tiles)
• Electricity now very important for industrial production and many modern buildings
• Two new playable civilizations: Hungary and Mayans. Both have NBs, NIs, lots of flavor units, leaders etc.
• All playable civilizations now have at least 5 leaders
• New leader trait: conqueror. Improves cavalry, siege units and rural logistics
• Many existing leaders had their traits and favorite civics changed
• Zulu civilization expanded to include all Nguni peoples and renamed to reflect that
• Reworked late-game health and epidemic prevention; pandemic colony gone, many new medical projects for increasing global health and lowering epidemic chance
• Castles totally reworked and can be improved with various add-ons under Feudal Aristocracy
• Effects of pagan temples now better balanced and more diverse
• Rebalanced and switched around gold, commerce and trade bonuses
• Religious shrines now provide a fixed gold income instead of scaling to number of cities
• New buildings: Trade Fair, River Port, Tax Office, Workshop, Print Shop, Newspaper
• New wonders: Ford Motor Company, Bayer AG
• Many wonder effects rebalanced
• Many buildings now get flavor versions for various cultural artstyles
• South China and Germany have new National Improvements
• Mines for precious metals now a separate improvement that advances differently from regular mines
• Food crop plantations are now more useful
• Flat terrain features (such as fertile soils) no longer block line of sight
• PerfectMongoose map script tweaked to produce more hospitable maps and correctly place flood plains and oases
• WW2 armored cars and Humvees removed
• New units: Composite Bowman, Early Crossbowman (both only available to some civs), Galleass, Mountain Infantry (WW1 and WW2 versions)
• Added many new flavor units to various civilizations
• Rebalanced and reworked upgrade lines for most ships
• Reworked upgrade trees for most land units
• All combat unit classes increase in costs per number of units already built
• Great Scientists are now able to construct era-appropriate Great Works of Science
• Great Merchants are now able to found three types of enterprises in industrial-modern era: car factories, pharmaceutical companies and movie studios. Most civilizations have flavor versions of those
• Any playable civilization, when running out of historical Great People names, will now spawn people with random, yet plausible civ-specific names
• AI should now be less eager to attack cities with cavalry
• AI will refuse peaceful vassalization
• AI leaders will remember good things done to them longer and will quicker forget bad things
• AI will be much more rational when deciding whether to raze a city they have taken
• AI should now be smarter when deciding what tiles to work
• Rebalanced and replaced many civics; many civic combinations now have additional effects through special national buildings
• Reduced relations bonuses and maluses from traits
• Rebel slave and serf strength now depends not on era, but on weapon technology available to player (same as player’s irregular unit line)
• Many tech prerequisites and costs reworked
• Open borders no longer provide free culture under any circumstances
• Reworked many in-game buttons, especially for units and resources. Units no more use vanilla-style buttons
• Some tweaks to pedia: filter leaders by playable status, show unit upgrade trees for a selected civ, show building upgrade chart
• Significantly improved performance due to various dll optimizations
• Special characters in unit and building names should no longer display erroneously in some cases
• Upgraded the version of K-Mod used in RI to 1.44b
• Merged in graphics paging for dealing with memory errors (can be toggled in graphics options)
Get the new version here:
Full version (download link)
Light version (download link)
Happy holidays everyone!
YES-YES-YES-YES!!!I've been WAITING for this!
I have the steam version of the game and everytime I try to put it in the game directory th dialog box that comes up when you hit browse does not let me put it in the mods folder
You should point it to the folder with BtS exe file, not Mods folder.
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