Post news RSS Read the Light Apprentice comics now! It's here, and it's free.

The Light Apprentice comics are here for your enjoyment. Find out where to read them - for free!

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Hi, everyone!

The response to our last news update (with the first screenshots) was bigger than I expected. We'd like to thank everyone who wrote us, shared it with their friends or showed any other kind of support. It helps keep us going and brings the mood up here at the studio.

Today, I have something to share with you: how it all started. The Light Apprentice project actually started with a comic. I didn't have any other means to tell the story I wanted, and a comic is the simplest kind of sequential art there is - it only requires one artist, time and hard work.
If there's any interest, I can write a post about the saga on making these - believe me, a lot has happened since the first sketch...
The Light Apprentice comics act as a prequel to the game and are now available for free for you to read it on the web. Our comics partner,, has it all on the following link:

Note: You can also read them on your iPad, iPhone, iPod and Android through the app.

- Issue 1

Comic book Covers 1-3

"Meet Nate, a young kid who lost everything to war - a war that also left their world in the brink of destruction. Now with his friend Tlob, the alien wizard, fearless Nate goes on a journey to recover his past, which is the key to turn their planet back to normal! Inspired by console RPGs from the 16 and 32-bit eras and table RPGs like D&D, this comic will hook you as it levels up.
Read it now and join the party!"

- Issue 2

Comic book Covers 1-3

"Nate and Tlob leave their town and run into trouble. Many surprises await them as they find out more about Nate's past!
Read it now to get more experience points!"

- Issue 3

Comic book Covers 1-3

"The journey goes on as Nate and Tlob cross the marshes towards the Grotto of Doom. Will they be able to reach it? And what will they find once in there?
Read it now to get more experience points!"

- Issue 4
Coming soon! Express your desire of reading it and we'll make sure it comes faster :)

And if you really like the comic and are looking forward to the game, you can help us by telling about the comic or the game (or both) to five friends, sending them the links.

And of course, we'd also love to hear from you. Do you like the comic? Do you like how it's presented? Would you like to have it in print? Every comment is welcome.

Oh, and before I forget: Light Apprentice on Facebook

See you next time!

- Igor Noronha
Founder of
Amazu Production Blog

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