Guess who this guy might be =)
Just look at all those blendshapes
When modelling always check any vertex after making symmetry. Miss any and you will have to remake all 40+ blendshapes again, lol.
And of course a personal minion of that guy above. Can a bad guy exist without his personal slaves ? Nope, i dont think so.
Very very important warning. THIS IS NOT AN ACTUAL CONVERSATION
Next is a little wip. One of the close combat hunter girls. Strong opponent when in mech, instakill when on foot.
As demo came out a bit boring, now we are completly reworking a fighting system. Gon be tons of new animations and fighting patterns very soon. Stay tuned ;)
Wow, love the Hound. Keep it up!
Very nice visuals and new characters! Awesome work!
Keep it coming