Hello Guys,
Before i disappeared for a few months to work on my studies, i thought i would share with you one of the features that was designed over at www.sc2mapsters.com.. Its basically a Hero Selection Library that we hope to implement into the start of the game for each player (depending on faction). We have taken into consideration your comments down below on what units should represent what characters and i can assure you i am considering your ideas, at the moment im really just working on the main ground level on the game and then ill decide what units/items and environmental scenarios/units you will encounter later.
Credits to for the Hero Selection Menu
Anyway i wish you all the best for the coming months and i hope to return in a month or so.
Kind Regards,
P.S We are also looking for Members for our development team, if you are interested, just PM me and ill check them twice a month if possible ;P.