Post news RSS Quick Swap Released!

It took 6 hours to create, a simple idea and a lot of fun, download now on google play!

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Quick Swap is out now!

It took only 6 hours to make and is the first in a line of smaller projects I plan to take on under Arcadian Interactive.

The aim of the game? It's simple; watch the cups, and pick which one has the ball under it! A simple concept, but it can be harder than it sounds.

I decided to test myself, to see if I could create a game in one night for android, and here it is. The core game play and graphics were complete in one night (4/5 hours) and the rest fell together today, I hope you enjoy this small project and I look forward to releasing many more of these small experimental games to gain better experience in programming and game creation.

Get it on android now, for free!

Windows version may be made available through IndieDB soon.

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