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We're at roughly the two week point in the mod's development period. In that time we have: 1. Extracted every model. 2. Decrypted every original ship statistic file. 3. Built a website. 4. Satisfactorily answered any lingering questions we may have had about the suitability of the game engine

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We're at roughly the two week point in the mod's development period.

In that time we have:

1. Extracted every model.
2. Decrypted every original ship statistic file.
3. Built a website.
4. Satisfactorily answered any lingering questions we may have had about the suitability of the game engine for the project.
5. Added 1 modeler.
6. Compiled a comprehensive list of ships we intend to import.
7. Assembled an initial progress checklist.
8. Began work on a system to scale ships uniformly.
9. Began weapon damage testing.
10. Started a comprehensive mapping sweep of the entire single player game for eventual incorporation into the mod.
11. Decrypted all but 5% of Tachyon's remaining unencrypted game files (no know decryption method for the other 5%) in preparation for statistical transfer

It's not a huge set of goals accomplished, but it's our own.

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