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Devlog #2. Status of progression, what's left to do for v07.

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Hello guys 'n gals.

A weeks passed and between smoking two cigarettes i shook this out of my left sleeve:

The Gibstages are polished and working for the most monsters. I decided to restrict certain death animations to specific weapons. This gives a much nicer feeling of reward, lowers the gore and the happening of gore + it adds back atmosphere, which got lost a little. So in 07 there will be less but therefore more rewarding explosions of everything. Unless you have a rocket launcher. Then everything will burn and splat and splat and frag and crack. A lot.

I also added two new enemies and finished the skins and the painskins for the new Soldier variations. Three new weapons also found their way into the arsenal. I balanced them as good as i could. Damagewise they sit in between the other weapons. Though i still have trouble with those damned weapon select and weapon cycling functions. You can of course tell the mod to spawn the new weapons or to spawn them not. It is even possible to let only specified weapons spawn.

Also i worked on the multiplayer a little bit more. I tried to make bloody skins for the player deaths, but i continue to mess them up. It must be something with the shirt and leg colors, that throws some bytes around and what you see on screen is an ugly red/black pixel mess on the dead players. But it works. Technically. And i added a 3rd person deathcam. And yes, that can be shut off by cvars as well.

About the gore itself: I reworked some effects again and the outcome is satisfying. It looks more volumetric and is not as exaggerted as before. The same counts for the gibs. I reduced the number of flying flesh a bit and added cvars to the qore.cfg to let the player decide how many she/he wants to see. Apropros blood: There is more but the decals are less overlapping, which looks more "natural" and less trashy.

You might also notice, that in the new gameplay videos the game looks more pixelised than darkplaces usually does. That is because i found a thread at about different render settings in darkplaces have a link: How to let Darkplaces look more like the original Quake I added 3 different settings to the qore.cfg, so as soon as 07 is out, you can choose yourself which rendersetting you use. I did this because a lot of people like the grungy pixel-look of the original Quake and the Darkplaces default shader-setting doesn't allow it. But the engine conatins a lot of stuff and so you can now go either full blown retro (you CAN go full blown retro and live with it ;-), retro with realtime lightning or the usual Darkplaces shaders & lightning. But the retroshader will be the default. There will also be a pixelised version of the particlefont.tga, so the particles look blocky too.

What's left to say? Oh yes, i made no progress with the painskins, but that's on the list. Instead of adding them all in one update i will make them one by one. It's even more work the more monsters i add *sigh*. But i want those new monster :-)

In case i forgot to mention it: Every new addition except the gore can be switched on or off, so you can either have your vanilla-quake with gore or some enhancements.

So what's left to do until release?
A monster painskin (Ogre), a very small weapon balancing for the three new weapons (must do the math), fish gibs (somehow slipped the schedule), one nasty player death animation bug. Should be done & ready next week, so next friday i can release 07, if nothing get's in the way.

If you want to know which map the first video is from : QUMP Project Nice episode of maps! Also GGRC made a nice review of it in his weekly Quake Grave : Part 1 Part 2


General action to give an impression of how the gameplay can look now:

The first new enemy : A low tier enforcer variant, shooting bouncing acid that explodes after a few moments. Not the biggest thread but don't underestimate him. The reason to add him: The low tier Quake enemy roster had no one who shot grenades.

The first mid-tier enemy: Nail Ogre. I put the knights helmet on his head and gave him a Quake 3 Arena-like nailgun. The helmet looks a little goofy. But cool thing, definetly adds a fresh variation to the rythm and tact of the Quake move-shoot-dodge-dance that Quake singleplayer is. You also can see how the new Fullbody frags particle effect will look.

So long,
have fun and a nice weekend.

DaisyFlower :-)

Anthony817 - - 2,779 comments

Looking nice!

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DaisyFlower Author
DaisyFlower - - 104 comments

Thanks :-)

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ceriux - - 1,514 comments

Nice! I like how the nail ogre shoots .

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ZerTerO - - 134 comments

Great work! Does the mod work only with the darkplaces engine?

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DaisyFlower Author
DaisyFlower - - 104 comments

@ceriux: thanks, i wanted a variation to the usual direct stream of nails. Plus, the Player can dodge it better, but has to look out for the nails, because over longer distances they accelerate to very high speed.

@ZerTerO: Thanks for the flowers :-) Yes, it only works with DP. Technically the FTE engine ist A LOT better but i learned that recently and then it was too late. I won't switch the engine anymore. Ist DP giving you Trouble?

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dfr1238 - - 11 comments

Can't wait 0.7 coming out,really nice mod

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ceriux - - 1,514 comments

Daisyflower idk if your acid enforcer does this or not but after the acid blobs hit something they could "splat" and sling smaller acid blobs around.

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DaisyFlower Author
DaisyFlower - - 104 comments

Ceriux, that's a cruel and great idea, after the weekend i will add the Code!

dfr1238, me too :-)

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dfr1238 - - 11 comments

DF,did have cvar can set how much time blood stay on wall/floor? idk how to set,thanks

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DaisyFlower Author
DaisyFlower - - 104 comments

That's a builtin from Darkplaces. Maybe you can find it at, the dp Homepage. Could be that i Set it somewhere in the qore.cfg already. But LordHavoks ducumentation can ne found at the Site mentioned above.

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dfr1238 - - 11 comments

oh i find it
cl_decals_fadetime 20 how long decals take to fade away
cl_decals_time 0 how long before decals start to fade away

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Lampenpam - - 66 comments

Is it possible to increase the decal hard-limit of darkplaces? The limit is waaay too low, and decals disappear too quickly

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DaisyFlower Author
DaisyFlower - - 104 comments

Hello Lampenpam,
i found no documentation about raising the maximum limit of decals. But there are 2 cvars to set their lifetime and fadetime :

cl_decals_fadetime 300 // will make the decals start to fade after 5 minutes
cl_decals_time 1200 //sets the max lifetim to 10 minutes

Just add them to your autoexec.cfg or qore.cfg file and they will be set the next time you start the game.

Hope that helps you a little bit.

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Lampenpam - - 66 comments

Yeah already got that cranked up to the max, but it's the limit that needs to be higher :I

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DaisyFlower Author
DaisyFlower - - 104 comments

:/ Hm... do you by any chance use the 2013 darkplaces release? In that case you could try the 2016 autobuild 64-bit release, i am not sure but i think i read something about an increased particle limit for the 2016 version. If i misread something i can' help you.

Does the particle-disappearance occur on every map you play? Or just on large ones? i must say i haven't experienced it at all in the stock ID campaign without that phenomenon.

It's strange...

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Lampenpam - - 66 comments

I'm using the latest one and in e1m2 the blood decals of the first few enemies already disappeared when you cleared the level because of the hard-limit. I know it's not a massive issue but it would be great if the hard-limit can be increased.
Also is it possible to prevent all gibs from disappearing? They seem to fade away after a minute or so.

Btw can you give me some recommendations for custom levels to play with qore?

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DaisyFlower Author
DaisyFlower - - 104 comments

You can grab a load of maps at Quaddicted, the main source next to the func_msgbrd for Quake SP maps. Aside from those below there are a lot other. Just browse Quaddicted and you will find great work. Sort them after ratings and choose the ones with a darker background, 'cause they are the ones that are compatible with Quore.

I will add a gib-lifetime cvar for the next update, that shouldn't be a problem.

Digs maps are great, i love them all. But some are for Quoth i think (Quoth is also a great mod).

Here are full episodes.

Remakes of other maps:


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LocustQ - - 488 comments

Looks outstanding. I try to play this on my Gear VR headset

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DaisyFlower Author
DaisyFlower - - 104 comments

Thanks :-) It's still very rough all in all but it works. Hell, it's not even the half of what i have on my long-term wishlist for this mod.

Have fun!

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