Hopefully this will answer some of your questions.

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This update will come to you in the form of a Q&A.

"Christos" wrote: What is your personally favorite civ?

The Elves of Mirkwood or Harad.

"Christos" wrote: What is your personally favorite unit?

The Mûmakil or Goblin warrior.

"Mrs wrote: Numenor was sunk sometime before the 3rd age (?), does it mean they can't access higher age?

Currently I am deciding how to portray them, Most likey they will advance with the politicians of their colonies (Gondor, Umbar...)

"Christos" wrote: Which civ do you think is the most unique, so far?

Maybe the Dwarves or Harad.

"Vlad" wrote: Can you show the most important aspects of the Númenóreans or present them?

Soon...when I work on them more.

"Christos" wrote: Are you going for ''historical accuracy'' or ''gameplay fun''? Or a combo of both?

It is a mixture of both. Even though I would prefer to just make a historical accurate modification, If would make no sense game wise and it would feel very limited.

"Christos" wrote: Are you mostly affected by the books, movies, or both?

Mainly the books but I also use some material from the movies.

"Pepp" wrote: Will there be any reference to the Silmaril in the mod?

Not much, I'm trying to avoid the first age for three reasons:

  • Not all kingdoms were present during the first age.
  • It would add a lot of material to the elves and not to the other kingdoms.
  • People would wonder why I don't add other kingdoms of the first age.

"ACN45trooper" wrote: In the first update you did, you said that you will choose at least 5 maps for the first version, which maps you will include?

The most voted ones: Anduin River, The valley of Imladris, The Shire. The Dead Marshes and Plains of Rohan. I tried RM scripting the other day... it was a nightmare.

"ACN45trooper" wrote: As Isengard an Mordor where defeated in the War of the Ring, how do they will be in the fourth age?

All Orc nations (and evil men nations) can age to the fourth age. Since it is an game, there are several unrealistic aspects that people will have to live with. For example, playing as Mordor on a team with Lindon against Rhûn and Gondor on a map of The Shire.

"Mrs wrote: How do you portray the ring itself in the mod?

It is represented as a technology. All the lesser rings as well (nine rings of men, seven rings of the Dwarves...). It is a common Home City card, and each different ring has a different effect.

"ACN45trooper" wrote: Were you able to make Orcs, Ents, Dwarves and Wargs that are proportional in size? Can you show them?

User Posted Image

"ACN45trooper" wrote: Will you include smaug, dale, and the village at the lake in your mod?

Dale and Esgaroth (Laketown) most likely will be represented as natives and mercenaries. It will be impossible to implement Smaug properly,(game limitations) however he is represented in some technologies.

"ACN45trooper" wrote: Do you have estimated any release date?


Also thanks to Christos, the civilizations will have some proper voice sets. Since my studies will start tomorrow, I will have less time to work on my mod. So don't expect frequent updates.
Have a nice Three Kings Day.

moddlord1 - - 11,188 comments

hmm... very interesting!

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