Post news RSS PVKII Beta 2.4 - Released!!!

We would love to present you Beta 2.4 update of game Pirate, Vikings and Knights!

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Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand-hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! It's the Personality Patch!
After many hours of hard graft below deck, after training with our axes for many days and nights without a stop for a drink or a toilet break, and after months of bloody toil at the big white forge in the sky, the 2.4 update is finally here!
We've been blabbering about it for months, so here's one last bit of gabber for you to absorb whilst Steam updates the game for ye. This update is chiefly about new unique voices for each class, the new game mode, Trinket Wars, the return of an old favourite map and a shipload of bugfixes.
To view the complete list of changes, click 'ere!

Oh, and there's a couple more things.
Here's a wee video of the Huscarl playing Trinket Wars on that good ol' map Saints, which has come back to us for this update:

The Huscarl is voiced by the talented Stig 'DragonNOR' Sydtangen, who is a damn fine actor, an accomplished modder, real-life Viking, and boss of the awesome-looking mod Operation Black Mesa.
Also, we're always recruiting - have a look over at our Join the Team page for our most wanted positions, but as always if you feel that you've got the stones to bring something special to the team in a category that isn't listed, be sure to apply!

So! We hope you all like what we've been working so hard on. Don't forget to drop your impressions over in our Suggestions forum.

What you waiting for? Click here and install it right now!!

Bingo Bango & the PVKII Team

P.S: A chap up in the crows' nest just told me he spies some really big and exciting-looking shapes on the horizon. Keep an eye out fer it, ey, lads.
EDIT: And I forgot to mention - Merry Christmas! Consider this your present from all of us on the PVKII Team :)

butters757 - - 4 comments

This is probably going to make me redownload the mod - can't wait to play!

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Anddos - - 390 comments

so the direct install on steam installs the newest version?

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Esoj - - 48 comments

yes. this mod is on steamworks so it automatically updates to the latest version that is released

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THRRRPT - - 216 comments

"Away with you, Smelly Boat Person!"

I love the update!

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IndigoSC - - 34 comments

"I'm gonna bite your legs off" "I feel like I've sprung a leak" -HK

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JMAN1156 - - 6 comments

Could you please bring the holy grail back? I love this game, and enjoy the grail mode very much. You could keep Trinket mode, and grail mode. One doesn't need to replace the other one. I don't care if there are two of the same maps with different game modes. Please bring back grail!

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SinKing - - 3,119 comments

Simply great! It's pure chaos at times, but I always get a good laugh out of the mod. Even just watching the vids is fun enough to make me want to play again.

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Axozombie - - 32 comments

mhh, i should redownload the mod again
i play directly after the release
but had not much time

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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