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Merciless Development are proud to present the Free Public Beta 1 Demo of our Half-Life Mod, Half-Life 2 Co-Operative - 'Follow Freeman', this Friday 15th Dec. Finally, the Half-Life saga can be played on-line, multiplayer, all vehicles, and with additional modes that extend the gameplay beyond

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Merciless Development are proud to present the Free Public Beta 1 Demo of our Half-Life Mod, Half-Life 2 Co-Operative - 'Follow Freeman', this Friday 15th Dec. Finally, the Half-Life saga can be played on-line, multiplayer, all vehicles, and with additional modes that extend the gameplay beyond mere single-player and Deathmatch combined! The Co-Operative mode of gameplay really makes you play as a team since, if you want to be up amongst the best on the World High Score tables, you'll formulate strategy to help the other members of your Team reach the End-Level bonuses.

Racing Mode really requires the kind of expertise we know proliferates within the on-line gaming community. Every man for himself - but also a target for all the in-game NPC's! It's a choice between score and the race to the mission end. Do you leave other Metropolice alive, in the hope they will catch a following player, or kill him to max your points, only to get caught by a competing player?

As a Beta Demo, we definately appreciate feedback on the current Demo, and welcome requests for Beta Testers as we move towards a full release.

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