I am Madmanden. Project Lead on Project Vanishing Point.
A lot of stuff has been happening lately on the development side of things. We are merging all our content into source 2009 slowly and getting ready for the launch of Portal 2 and the SDK that will inevitably follow.
People seem to have been skeptical about our high system requirements, but let me explain why they are like that. We are trying to push the Source engine as far as we can. And we know that the only limitation we have for doing that is the hardware it is run on. PC gamers have not had a lot of titles that really use their hardware properly. And we think it is a waste of potential that not a lot of developers really try to push what is possible on the PC.
If you have looked at the mod page lately you will also notice a new optimum performance requirement list has been made. We are aiming for the mod to take full advantage of those configurations to give an experience not a lot of games can deliver.
I must also remind that the minimum requirements are quite meager for todays standards. But our target audience at the moment are enthusiasts and hardcore gamers. We want to deliver a PC experience like they used to be. Like in the era where games like Far Cry, Half-Life 2 and F.E.A.R. were made.
I hope this makes the people out there that question our system requirements and see it as a flaw understand why we have made this decision.
Here in the end i would like to thank every single person who comes to our mod page, watches our videos, comment and looks at our screenshots. Every little grain of feedback we can get will be read and will in the end make this a much better product. So thanks for your help :)
I've not even heard of this mod before now, I'll check it out.
I want to see how much you can challenge my new Nvidia GTS 450
We will try to challenge it as much as possible ;)