Hello everyone!
Stefano here with another update! This week was a rough one for me, Tuesday I was very sick with a lot of messy things that I would like to not talk about it. Anyway, even if on that day I didn't even turned on the PC, Monday has been a very productive day so it compensated a bit. I recorded only Monday and Wednesday so here you have the videos:
And here is the changelog:
Electrical Grid: Generators and Cables
So, the goal for this week was to make a stable and decently working electrical grid to be able to manage all the machines that will depend on electricity. To do this there is a new "management object" called ElectricGrid. This object will be the coordinator of a single connected grid of electrical components (There could be more than one if there are two grids that are not connected with each other). The ElectricGrid has 3 types of objects:
-Sources: objects like generators which will generate electricity and will input that into the electric grid.
-Cables: objects that will provide electricity to any component connected to them.
-Machines: objects that will consume electricity to work.
ElectricGrid are capable to merge with another grid to create a single bigger grid, but also split into different grids if the player removes an object that serve as a bridge between two part of the grid.
New sprites
The day after the sickness I was able to draw some sprites while I was feeling better, so I drew the generators, plates, and fineplates sprites. I also tried to draw some decent cables sprites but after realizing that I had to make 16 different sprites for each materials I opted to draw some placeholders and focus on the implementation of those sprites.
Keep in touch
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Discord Server: Discord.gg
YouTube channel for Timelapses: Youtube.com
Twitter: Twitter.com
Changelog: Docs.google.com