- Most of Europe's provinces have been set with the exception of some countries such as Turkey.
- Most flags have been changed
- Music has been changed, as well as loading screens
- The war in Ethiopia is fully functional, AI shouldn't make any odd looking peace deals
- Most of Germany's earlier war decisions have been made such as "Anschluss" and "Reoccupy the Rhineland"
- Localisation has been edited for the names of countries, "Bohemia" is now "Czechslovakia", "Russia" is now "Soviet Union", ect.
- Movement speeds/siege times are drastically sped up, so playing on the speed of one nearly all the time is recommended
- 3/4 of provinces in Africa have been made historical without need to edit the actual map
- Historical alliances/wars are nearly finalized in Europe/Africa
- All event pictures have been changed
- Most random wars don't happen between AI nations, later on most casus bellis will be removed to leave only Germany with a "World War" casus belli
- Rebellions are extremely rare
- Added event so the player/ai can choose to either take all of Poland as Germany when Warsaw is reached, or split half of it between Soviet Union and Germany (historically)
- Most border nations around Germany have been guaranteed to prevent the AI or player from making too unhistorical decisions
-All country colours were changed to go more with the Hearts of Iron 4 colour scheme
And much more!
Next Update: Dynamic Music + Spanish Civil War + Fall of France