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So, it's been quiet around here lately, and I'm sure you guys are wondering what we're up to.

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So, it's been quiet around here lately, and I'm sure you guys are wondering what we're up to.

To sum it all up, at the moment we're doing a few things, set out in stages so we don't make a mess.

  1. Planning the expanded doctrines for all factions (94% complete),
  2. Gathering the resources and making the expanded doctrines (83% complete),
  3. Figuring out what we want to do about the Reward Units (25% complete).

Stage 1 is pretty much done, Stage 2 is waiting on Stage 1 and a few new models, and Stage 3... well we're avoiding looking at Stage 3 till we get Stages 1 & 2 out of the way.
Stage 3 itself is proving to be something of a problem, as some of the current Reward Units have been folded into the expanded doctrines. Currently the US has two doctrine specific replacements, the Commonwealth has nothing, and the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS have a general unit replacement and a doctrine specific replacement.

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