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I've been busy here, as the videos and pictures should show!!

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So guys and girls, thank you for your support so far! I hope those of you who have played the 4 level beta have enjoyed yourselves!! I've been learning a LOT making this mod, which I plan to use to great extent in the future!!

So far, I am up to E1M5, including the secret level E1M9. Bridging the gap between two levels I have included a new area... the Hydroponic Lab. This is a little area to get the next key (You will need all three to get to the final battle! Don't worry, they aren't hard to find!!) and a special treat for the observant secret hunters!!

As I go through the mod, I'm bug testing constantly, each new level seems to break every tagged sector each time. So far, for those who know map making... I'm up to 120 on the scale of sector tags so far!!

I have been tempted to release a 7 level beta... however I don't want to spoil some of the surprises in store for you all, as well as some of the designs of new areas and levels, please bug test the 4 level beta, and give me your reviews and suggestions so far!

Look forward to hearing from you all... Peace!


Killer9032 - - 37 comments

So why exactly are you giving us footage of you using your maps with someone else's mod?

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Bambamalicious Author
Bambamalicious - - 188 comments

I only ever at with the brutal doom mod, the maps are part of the mod I'm creating.

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Valherran - - 2,456 comments

You shouldn't use other MOD content to preview your maps because it makes you look like you are modding off of someone else's work.

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Bambamalicious Author
Bambamalicious - - 188 comments

Point noted! I'll do the next videos with an empty skins folder!

p.s. the last comment should have read "I only ever play...." damn iPad touchscreen!!)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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