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It has been quite a while since last update here. I'm happy to say that the project is still very much alive although progress has been quite slow.

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It has been quite a while since last update here. I'm happy to say that the project is still very much alive although progress has been quite slow.

Here is a quick list of most significant improvements that have been done since last alpha release:

  • A proper player character fall/land animation has been added, which makes the overall animation look a lot less stiff. Existing player animations have also been tweaked to look more natural.
  • Many decal improvements have been made to add variation and prevent decals from overlapping.
  • Blood splatter particle effects have been improved. Now you can actually see the direction where the shot came from based on blood burst.
  • A friend of mine is composing music for the game. There is music already playing in the menu and support for level background music has been implemented.
  • A load screen is now shown at start-up instead of that black screen (or even random garbage in some cases)
  • Many small improvements have been made to enemy AI. For example the guards now try to retreat when badly hurt.

In addition to listed improvements a lot of bugs have been fixed and several minor improvements made here and there, many of them related to player movement.

No new levels or weapons have been made yet, but I'm hoping to add at least one weapon and a couple of new single player levels before the next alpha release. There are a few nasty bugs that need to be fixed too. I have also been planning a completely new enemy type, but that will likely have to wait if I'm ever going to get the next release out.

Here's a couple of new screenshots:

In-game screenshot Improved blood stain decals

TheUnabridgedGamer - - 1,671 comments

This could be good...

Alright, tracking

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BBgcddrfcccxxzsd - - 34 comments

I liked it. I love to play platformers.

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Sph!nx - - 722 comments

I agree. Tracking.

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