Finish the town map featureYou can choose to do what you want in this menu but each action cost time, which you have very limited supply of.Except for shopping, which you can do repeatedly with no time cost, provided, of course, you got enough cash, which you got a limited supply of, ;-)Demo will probably be out by next week Tuesday or Friday. Cannot make it by this week. X-(
Progress Report 24-01-2014
Finish the town map feature You can choose to do what you want in this menu but each action cost time, which you have very limited supply of. Except for shopping, which you can do repeatedly with no time cost, provided, of course, you got enough cash, which you got a limited supply of, ;-) Demo will probably be out by next week Tuesday or Friday. Cannot make it by this week. X-(
Posted by FuriousGamer87 on