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Hello guys, a lot of time left after my last news post here. I just would like to say to you that Kreml 3D is still under heavy developement, and all is getting good! Even if we don't have much time (school, etc.) we are still trying to get more far and far. From last news, I'd like to tell you that

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Hello guys,

a lot of time left after my last news post here. I just would like to say to you that Kreml 3D is still under heavy developement, and all is getting good! Even if we don't have much time (school, etc.) we are still trying to get more far and far.

From last news, I'd like to tell you that we created a bit of the new graphics & wall textures. I replaced some of the old wall textures and it's looking better now. I managed to create really good-looking 'representative' area on higher levels - with carpets and office walls.

Also, thanks to Majik Monkee - he supplied us his incredible artist work on Wolfenstein bosses. After small changes, Majik's artwork will be included in the game.We'll show some screenshots soon.

And, thanks also go to WSJ - for his recolour jobs, and for supplying some of the weapon graphics.

You guys are really good!

From coding stuff: Dugtrio17 is trying to include code of bouncing greneades. I'm not sure about the progress now because we didn't contacted each other for some time, but I believe it is going OK.

Stay tuned for more news!

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