Some of you might have an issue accessing PR's Homepage and Forums. The following is the breakdown that I got from Naga_Warrior regarding the reason for the problem as well as a solution that you can use. I added in a link that should help as well.
Okay, here we go. The problem is MOST likely a DNS problem. We're not 100% sure, but it probably is. Naga_Warrior has had the problem, and it has been a problem for several people, so we believe a major ISP isnt updating their DNS for the site or something along those lines. Anyways there are a few fixes. First, you can use an IP Address instead of the domain name, i.e. - . The problem with this, is quite a few things wont show up correctly, because several links on the site are not relative (Stupid, I know, but these things happen). Certain pictures wont show up, also the forum's login script won't work very well. However - there is another solution. You can make your computer use a different DNS server. Below is a list of IP Addresses of DNS servers that SHOULD work.
Here's a link to give you some tips on how to go about changing your DNS.
Here's a list of IP Addresses Naga_Warrior found on web server.
Again, hopefully this will solve your problem. If you need any additional help, or have questions or advice to offer on the situation, please - post a comment about it.