Post news RSS Preview (Part 18) - Hellebron

Here we go with the next hero, or in this case Heroine!!! I present you the first Witch elf: Hellebron!!! Enjoy it!!!

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Hellebron was once a young Elf princess in the colony of Athel Toralien, her life is typical of a spoilt princess until one day when Malekith himself arrives in the colony on his way to deal with the Orcs encroaching on Elven lands, and with him comes Queen Morathi herself. Desperate for a private meeting with her, Hellebron achieves her wish but is crestfallen when Morathi decries her and says that she has no talents, and will never achieve greatness.Rather than succumb to misery Hellebron is adamant that she will become great and show up the Queen.Soon afterwards Malekith leaves with Morathi, but priests brought with Morathi stay and begin establishing cults to the Cyrathai, or the Underworld Gods, within Athel Toralien. The Elf populace embraces the cults and Hellebron herself joins them but each cult’s membership wains and waxes as the fashion dictates. Eventually Hellebron joins her sister Lirieth in a secret meeting for a new cult, which is revealed to be the Cult of Khaine. Enraptured by the Lord of Murder and his ways of worship Hellebron quickly becomes the student of the Khainite priest, however she feels that his refusal to fight and allowing only himself to sacrifice in Khaine’s name is the wrong way. Hellebron is now the greatest of the brides of Khaine. Witch Elves kneel before her to take the rites of the god of murder. To entertain their mistress, the youngest she-Elves dance upon the steps of Khaine's altars, whilst Hellebron and the lesser Hags feast upon flesh and sate their withering lust for warm blood. They are the leaders and mistresses of the Witch Elves and the most dangerous. Then, it was natural for her father, Alandrian, who has been chosen by Morathi herself to eradicate the rebellion of the so-called "Shadow King" Alith Anar that Hellebron could be one of the few able to kill the foolish traitor of the Naggarothi empire!

TWmadman - - 24 comments

let me guess, there are tits so we should have 144 comments on this pic even if we have worked harder on all the other units?

sad world

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lexyz123 - - 387 comments

Then allow me to indulge your sadness... BOOBS!!!!

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Lesser - - 760 comments

boobs lol just had 2

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Sanguinius - - 5,719 comments


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gerrit1919 - - 596 comments

and some other stuff... ^^

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power.5000 - - 220 comments

beess!!!!! .... the best kinda of bees BOOBEES!!! can't wait for this mod keep up the work!

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