Post news RSS Preview (Part 17) - Alith Anar

It is time for legends!!! It is time for heroes!!! It is the time for the Shadow King: Alith Anar!!! Enjoy it!!!

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Alith Anar

The story of Alith Anar begins shortly before the Civil War, when Nagarythe was the seat of Malekith. While the cities of Nagarythe sank into decadence under the influence of Morathi and the Cult of Pleasure, the hill clans of Nagarythe, grim warriors forged in the Wars against Chaos held aloof. Their leader was Eoloran Anar, a noble of one of the oldest families of Nagarythe, a loyalist to Caledor I, and grandfather to Alith Anar.When Malekith moved against the Phoenix King, his hand fell first and hardest upon the loyalist forces in Nagarythe. At the Battle of Dark Fen, Eothlir son of Eoloran Anar and father to Alith Anar, and an army of loyalist archers and spearmen staged a last stand against a rebel army three times their number, holding them off until the Dark Elf General Kheranion's Black Dragon crushed their formation, gravely wounded Eothlir, and sent the loyalists scattering.At his father's command, Alith Anar and the few survivors made their way through a perilous gauntlet of pursuers, through fen and swamp. When they regrouped, the survivors swore oaths of vengeance, and made themselves masters of the art of guerrilla warfare. During the Civil War, Alith Anar and his guerrillas served as the eyes and ears of the loyalist army, striking without warning and without mercy, their lightning strikes often playing a decisive role in major battles.

xXBerethorXx - - 587 comments

I wonder if there will be a black dragon :]

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TWmadman - - 24 comments

Good question... :)

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gerrit1919 - - 596 comments

guys please stop making these good models. I get GAMEorgasms :D

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xXBerethorXx - - 587 comments

There's another more common term, Nerdgasms xP

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gerrit1919 - - 596 comments

Ok then, i've got an NERDgasm :P

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