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This is the unit roster of Orcs of the Misty Mountains in the campaign. DCI: Last Alliance is a Third Age: Total War submod.

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Preview of the roster of
the Orcs of the Misty Mountains

DCI: Last Alliance present the armies of Gundabad ready to march out to bring calamity and destruction to their foes.
The Orcs of the Misty Mountains roster is clearly related to the one in TATW, but OotMM will use a system where conquests of territory, sacking, capturing certain settlements and battles with certain factions make the units avilable to the player - to encourage the Orc within each and everyone of us to roam free, plunder and raise hell.

Possiblt OotMM will provide the most challenging gameplay experience, while adding new features like wolves, Orc-drivers with lashes in hand, mighty Boldogs - and a yet sleeping Balrog...

As usual all images are found in the gallery, where unit creators are noted there as well.
Unit descriptions by JRR Tolkien and Ngugi.

Snaga Skirmishers

'But the Orcs laughed with loud voices; and a hail of darts and arrows whistled over the wall'

The Snagas may be the small and subjugated members of the Orc tribes, but no Goblin is harmless or rejects the chance to go to war. Armed with throwing spears the Snaga Skirmishers provide the expendable foundation for the fighting forces of any chieftain, bodies to step upon on the road to greatness.

Goblin Warmongers

'Beyond the fire he saw swarming black figures: there seemed to be hundreds of orcs. They brandished spears and scimitars which shone red as blood in the firelight.'

Since the First Age the mounted warriors of the Eldar and Northmen have proved a great threat to the Orc kin. Lightly armoured but with spears to bring mounts and riders alike into the dust, the Goblin Warmongers hurry to join a chief who seems promising.

Goblin Raiders

'There was not only cunning in the attack, but fierce and relentless hatred. The Orcs of the Mountains were stiffened and commanded by grim servants of Barad-dûr...'

Always the chance to loot and pillage gather the attention of the savage Goblin tribes. Warriors gladly rally under a commander who proves he can provide them victories and spoils of war.
A stout shield and sharp sword make them suitable to take on enemy infantry, cut up their bellies and watch them try to keep their inners in place.

Goblin Reavers

'...and through the reek he could see the goblins dancing round and round in a circle like people round a midsummer bonfire. Outside the ring of dancing warriors with spears and axes stood the wolves at a respectful distance, watching and waiting.'

Hunger for conquest and war burn in the essence of the Orcs. As the High chieftain among them has proven strong enough warriors assemble to his aid, and the Goblin Reavers who are armed with axes is a most appreciated addition to the fist that is the Goblin host. Especially to take on the ironclad Dwarves of Khazad-dûm, as that stunted people have proven bitter resistance.

Goblin Veterans

'At that moment there came a sudden blast of horns, and the Orcs closed in on all sides, flinging themselves against the Dúnedain with reckless ferocity. Night had come, and hope faded.'

Perhaps an Orc may live long, but while a life in strife and struggle does grant lots of experience it does not leave many among them to boast as proven veterans.
Clad in armours, which they got through spoils of war or from chieftains who value their worth, these tall and grim veterans march upon the enemy with a fearlessness unusual for their race. Sauron's shadow shall cover the land.

Heavy Goblin Reavers

'There in the shadows on a large flat stone sat a tremendous goblin with a huge head, and armed goblins were standing round him carrying the axes and the bent swords that they use. '

Battles against Dwarves, and other heavily protected enemies, have made the Goblin commanders aware that no warrior is better than the skulls he can crack.
Armed with wicked axes these large Goblin soldiers provide the perhaps best response against armour the cunning smiths of the Goblins can muster, and they prove their hunger for bloodshed with mighty strokes.

Cave Trolls

'There was a blow on the door that made it quiver; and then it began to grind slowly open, driving back the wedges. A huge arm and shoulder, with a dark skin of greenish scales, was thrust through the widening gap.'

Few threats equal the brute strength and the seemingly imperishable mass of the Cave trolls. From the deeps of the world they may be stirred, summoned by the evil will of Sauron and eager to be pointed towards the enemy by a great chieftain.
Fear is something they have not yet understood, but since they crush Man, Elf and Dwarf trough their armour alike that is unlikely to ever occur.

Snaga Archers

'I’m not going down those stairs again,’ growled Snaga, `be you captain or no. Nar! Keep your hands off your knife, or I’ll put an arrow in your guts.'

In the caves and mines archery is not of great importance, yet it is not a forgotten art. Once war against the Elves blossoms society's lowest ranks, who can not provide much strength if up close and can fill more purpose than being distracting targets for the foe, pick up bows to send death upon their enemies.

Goblin Archers

'...lord of Moria fell in Dimrill Dale. He went alone to look in Mirror mere. An orc shot him from behind a stone. We slew the orc, hut many more ... up from east up the Silverlode.'
- The Book of Mazarbul

When the forces of Goblins spread from the mountains across the lands, heeding the commands of Sauron, the need to counter the archers of the Free Peoples are as obvious as the cure. Soldiers with better bows and skill than their Snaga cousins gather under their warlords, in the hope to see hostile forces fall to unexpected death.

Heavy Goblin Archers

'...the keen-eyed Orcs ... halted briefly, preparing their assault. First they let fly a hail of arrows, and then suddenly with a great shout they did as Isildur would have done, and hurled a great mass of their chief warriors down the last slope against the Dúnedain, expecting to break up their shield-wall. '

Facing the biting bows of the Elves the cunning Goblins develop their skill in crafting and markmanship to fight fire with fire, eager to send the enemy to the West.
Dressed in crude but highly efficient armours to stand against attacks the Heavy Goblin Archers proves a dread on the battlefield that must be taken serious.


'The wolf that one hears is worse than the orc that one fears.'

Wolves roam vast spaces, and even on their own their night cries sends chill into hearts in all of the West. But when the will of a Dark Lord is upon the land then their taste for flesh is turned from mere cattle to Men and Elves and Dwarves, and their fangs and jaws is sometimes the last sight one will see.

Warg Riders

`But where the warg howls, there also the orc prowls.'

The intelligent Wargs, who may even speak, is a large and wicked race of wolves found east of the Misty Mountains. They join ranks with Goblins to raid and kill on occasion, and they even let Goblins mount them as horses, to form a deadly union of flesh and steel.


'For Morgoth had many servants, the oldest and most potent of whom were immortal, belonging indeed in their beginning to the Maiar; and these evil spirits like their Master could take on visible forms. Those whose business it was to direct the Orcs often took Orkish shapes, though they were greater and more terrible. Thus it was that the histories speak of Great Orcs or Orc-captains who were not slain, and who reappeared in battle through years far longer than the span of the lives of Men.'

Mighty among the foes of the Free Peoples are the Boldogs, lesser Maiar who have clad themselves in the guise of Orcs. They come as a group to the armies of Orcs as commanders, in the service of the new Dark Lord, mighty in strength, cunning and skill of war.

(Custom and very rare Boldog general with kindred bodyguard/entourage; Boldogs can not be recruted)


‘Where there’s a whip there’s a will, my slugs. Hold up! I’d give you a nice freshener now, only you’ll get as much lash as your skins will carry when you come in late to your camp. Do you good. Don’t you know we’re at war?’
- Mordor Orc-driver

It is in the nature of the Orcs to hate, and hate is in essence non-cooperative. When the Dark Lord or his mighty commanders, by Orcs and Goblins called 'bosses', look away not few ponder to desert or in other ways provide for themselves on anyone elses account, and do find it unappealing to risk their life against dangerous foes who can turn around and bite. That is why Sauron appointed the Orc-drivers to go out among his evil armies, and with their whips and cruel threats strenghten the moral at the battle fields.

The Balrog

'Thus they roused from sleep a thing of terror that, flying from Thangorodrim, had lain hidden at the foundations of the earth since the coming of the Host of the West: a Balrog of Morgoth.'

Deep, deep the mines of Khazad-dûm run into the Misty Mountains, and at the roots of the world a terror sleep. From beyond the first lights of the First Age and the kindeling of stars it come, a Balrog of Morgoth, ready to awake and spread dread upon the world again.
No sieges or drums of war risk to stir it, but would the Mithril Mines of Dwarves or Goblins ever dwelve to deep beneath Caradhras, by unpredictable misfortune and sorrow, fire and shadow can at any time strike the free world once more.

(DCI: LA will, as seen below, present you with a single Balrog [there's still a random risk there's three Balrogs, but no more any full unit of them] - credit to Withwnar for this)

Moria Infantry (AoR)

'The Orcs have often plundered Moria; there is nothing left in the upper halls.'
- Gandalf

Plunder the wealthy halls of Khazad-dûm, a wicked dream. If coming true laying hands on the armouries and smithies of the hated Dwarves the crude but skilled Goblin smiths provide the warriors of Moria - the Black Chasm in Elven tongue - heavy scale armours. Eager to turn the Dwarves gear against themselves or anyone else who dread the thought, these fierce soldiers march out across Middle-earth.

echuu - - 580 comments

Great Preview!

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Ngugi Author
Ngugi - - 891 comments

Thanks mate, starting to get a hang on this ^^

This faction we are sure will be great fun to play for anyone offensive and eager to show the mettle of the orc kin :)

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Ngugi Author
Ngugi - - 891 comments

Preview updated; added the Moria Infantry, an AoR unit

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Guest - - 706,340 comments

this is a really good work

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AshtonTheRookieModer - - 41 comments

the goblin veterans look cool

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