Post news RSS Preview: Athens (v0.75)

This is preview of Athens, which has been overhauled and will be released with v0.75.

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Faction preview: Athens


The city of Athens during the classical period of Ancient Greece (508-322 BC) was the major urban center of the notable polis (city-state) of the same name, located in Attica, Greece, leading the Delian League in the Peloponnesian War against Sparta and the Peloponnesian League. Athenian democracy was established in 508 BC under Cleisthenes following the tyranny of Isagoras. This system remained remarkably stable, and with a few brief interruptions remained in place for 180 years, until 322 BC (aftermath of Lamian War). The peak of Athenian hegemony was achieved in the 440s to 430s BC, known as the Age of Pericles.

In the classical period, Athens was a center for the arts, learning and philosophy, home of Plato's Akademia and Aristotle's Lyceum, Athens was also the birthplace of Socrates, Pericles, Sophocles, and many other prominent philosophers, writers and politicians of the ancient world. It is widely referred to as the cradle of Western Civilization, and the birthplace of democracy, largely due to the impact of its cultural and political achievements during the 5th and 4th centuries BC on the rest of the then known European continent.

In the year 272 BC, Athens is no longer in charge of its own fate, having been subdued and incorporated into the Macedonian state. The expansive maritime empire is briefly ruled over two centuries earlier is now but a distant memory, and even independent rule might be a dream too bold. Having suffered through all the hardship of the past generations, Athens is still a thriving centre of culture and of trade. Though it is no longer a recognized power, it never the less contains a sufficiently large population to have a real chance of shrugging off the tyrannic shackles of the Macedonians. Indeed, with the increasing thread posed by the Romans, their grasp on Greece itself may soon diminish. The current state of the Athenian army, or its navy for that matter, is not much to boast about. Short on seasoned veterans, and even shorter on capable generals, Athens may have to rely on the services of mercenaries until it has the time to restore its once proud military tradition. Luckily, this affluent trade city has the gold for it.

This faction revamp will be released in 0.75.


This faction overhaul is a revamp of Athens and changes the overall appearance of Athenian units as well as adding several new units. Included are also dozens of new shields created by Epaminondas. Here are some pictures of new and remade units:

Athenian Marines

Athenian units

Logades Swordsmen

Athenian units

Light Hoplites

Athenian units

Athenian Hoplites

Athenian units

Thorax Hoplites

Athenian units

Athenian Elite Hoplites

Athenian units


Athenian units

Athenian Pikemen

Athenian units

Thorax Pikemen

Athenian units


Athenian units

Marine Archers

Athenian units

Light Peltasts

Athenian units

Tarantine Cavalry

Athenian units

Athenian Cavalry

Athenian units

Athenian Lancers

Athenian units

Rudd - - 187 comments

Oh god


Great job!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Storander - - 253 comments

Looks great!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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