After one year of delays, progress and waiting. Praetorian Industries is ready to start blasting enemies (or be blasted) away. As the trailer shows, a new bunch of gaming possibilities is now avaliable to be downloaded!
Hope you enjoy the mod, you can report bugs, problems and OP issues here, all of them are going to be fixed in the Version 1.1.
Also comments are greatly welcomed!
If it is released, where is the download link?
Seems like it stills waiting for authorization -.-
I know how that is, atleast with this it should be a bit easier than with steam.
ok after the download I notice that the game crashes ALOT if a dreadnaught or cruiser gets hit by a fighter's weapons or if the fighter breaks through the shields.
Wha..? do you have the lastest version of Gratuitous Space Battles with all the DLCs/expansions? They have to be installed in order to play the mod.
If everything is fine about that, then i think that your pc cant handle the mod requeriments (since it applies the "custom bullet fx" feature added some time ago, only a moderatedly well equiped pc can handle the mod without that "lag")
I figured out the problem, your flak gun, it fires too fast for the GSB engine to handle. This seems to pop up any time you have more than one of those flak guns on your cruisers.
What flak gun? Can you tell me the exact GUI name of the weapon?
EDIT: Ohhh the Flak Particle Accelerator! It was a failed try to make a unique weapon that looks like old flaks. But it just worked a few times and then started to crash the game. After that i removed it, but i think that i forgot something...
Dont use it, it does not works. I will remove it in v1.1 Patch.
Thanks for noticing that mistake.
Other than that left in little mistake, the mod works very well. The only other thing is what I asked you in that PM with the income and the already high maintenance on starting