Post news RSS Polishing the demo

We're concentrating on polishing things up for November and the demo release! Here's a small look to what goes into it.

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Hey everyone, it's been a while!

So what does "polish" even mean? Well, it can be making things look nicer, fixing bugs, sound more realistic. For us, it means adding things to the world to make it look alive, make animations smoother, fixing bugs and making sure the controls feel good.

Not so potato
This used to be a blob described as "the potato". Now we can see it was a house all along!

Last time we spoke about adding trees and plants. This is what we mean with making the world look alive. The three levels have been populated with props and plants to add more life to them. At the same time, the whiteboxing has been smoothed down, less blocks, more cliffsides and grasslands.

Not only plants, but water is a part of life too. Especially on tropical islands

Another thing with polish is looking for things that shouldn't be happening. These can be bugs, unintentional occurences within game logic, etc. The changes can even end up changing some mechanics. So this can take a lot of time with testing and fixing things. We also noticed that playtesting with speedrunners can help find exploits and problems with the level geometry.

Weird collision on poles
Dash is actually standing on the pole of the bridge, due to a unnecessarily big collider.

The last thing is making things feel good. Movement is our main focus with the whole game, so every point of movement needs to feel good. Running, jumping, everything. So a lot of time put in to that!


And that's been (and will be for a bit longer!) the past couple of weeks here. Making things look and feel nice. We're so excited to let you guys see what we've been working on for the last few months. And that will happen next month when our demo comes out on Steam! More news about that later.

You can also get 3 Captain's Tail -themed wallpapers from our website!

For now, stay warm and pet your dogs!

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