Hey all,
We've been busy here planing the game and also developing the next features, specially for NPCs. The player now shoot, draw and holster gun, bullets can react with physics and much more. Soon I will make another video with all these features, of version.
Below you can find some screenshots.
But first, I want to say somethings about new features:
- Officers will have somekind of day points to achieve during his work day. If it reachs the promotion limit, he will gain a star point, if not, it will gain nothing. Each 5 star points will result in one gold star, that will give players a new level up. This feature will be on with this new version and we will check if it can please players and, of course, ourselves :)
- NPCs will react to gun shots, gun visible and events attentions. The police officer will have somekind of intimidation level and each NPC will have a "courage" level that will test if he/she will cooperate with the police or not, even running. The same goes for bandits, that, of course, will have a new level of courage.
- With a gun equipped and visible, your intimidation level with go up, even aiming will go even more up. So, trying to compliance with a bandit without a gun in hands is not smart, one shot can result in your death :(
Much more to come with the version, almost finished :)
Remember: graphics are temporary and does not mean the final quality. We are making this game official to Odin Game Studio and big things may happen.
You can know more in my dev blog: Policetacticsgame.blogspot.com.br
Seems awesome ! And I love that intimidation feature as I find that it's what's lacking with police video games, the sense of being an officer with a weapon, a threat to the offenders of the law. And that new car... very cool looking though I would imagine an highway patrol car would have a traffic redirection lightbar
Just one thing that is kinda ruinning the last picture for me, but that's probably because I'm a firemarms tactics and handleing freak, a police officer would never be idling with his handgun like this, he would always be at the ready, both hands on the handle and unlike in movies or TV shows one of the first thing that you learn is that when not aiming your weapon must point downward.
Hey sgcorentin
I totally agree on your point of view. Right now the answer is simple: I just don't have the correct animations, lol. We will improve this with time, don't worry ;)
Thanks for the feedback
Seems like a good game.
Thanks DetectiveMax :)
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