G'day Moddb Community!
It has been a few weeks since the last news post but we have not been idle! We have been polishing and tweaking and adding in all sorts of little surprises for all of you who have become familiar (and faintly frustrated) with release Alpha!
While there have been dozens of individual additions or corrections to the mod made they are all small in and of themselves and not really enough to do a news post about, however Andrelius gave us some interesting feedback on the forum and much to my surprise, he wasn't kidding! So 100% credit for this goes to him :)
Invading 101
Ok, so you're familiar with Invasion, and you almost feel physical pain at the thought that us heartless blighters on the mod team aren't going to make the Borg and the Dominion Alliance playable factions at any point in our development roadmap. Well, the discovery made was that you could be the invading side in Invasion, with one simple step.
If you change your starting position (highlighted in red) to the second position, you will be the Invading side and all the options that would apply to the merciless foe with unending supplies of ships now applies to you. That's right, completely without disrupting any of the flow of our plans, you can play as the Borg or Dominion Alliance.
It's not all strawberries and cream though, the AI has been scripted to perform in such a way that it will still control the ships when you're in Invasion mode. You can still give them commands, they'll listen to you when you say to use this special ability or warp over there or attack that target instead, but they won't sit still! They will emulate exactly what you've seen them doing when you were on the receiving end!
The defending AI may not be very lively in Release Alpha either, typically it takes a resource controller and or some harvestable RUs on the map before the AI will wake up and do something. This has been catered for in release Beta, but there's still the nominal defenders in the Colony Invasion map, so there's still a good demonstration in it there!
Thanks again to Andrelius for bringing this easter egg to light for everyone :D
Continuum Corp.
Exciting news, this should be quite entertaining!