Post news RSS Planning stage finished

I've just finished going over the planning for Majestic. I've written almost all the story and I've got the features that I would like to include. PLANNED FEATURES - 15-25 Large Single Player maps spanning six episodes - New weapons, modified old weapons - New enemies - Many different skins/models (eg

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I've just finished going over the planning for Majestic. I've written almost all the story and I've got the features that I would like to include.

- 15-25 Large Single Player maps spanning six episodes
- New weapons, modified old weapons
- New enemies
- Many different skins/models (eg MJ-12 Grunt has 12 different possible heads)
- Send NPCs radio commands (attack, pull back, medic, hold this position)
- NPCs send radio commands (enemy spotted, roger that, medic, squad member down)
- No more generic soldiers, friendly NPCs have names
- Many scripted sequences
- Strange twists in the story
- More freedom in maps than Half-Life (not to the extent of Deus Ex)
- Possibly have an mp3 soundtrack (don't count on it)
- Hopefully some decent voice acting :)
- Detailed environments spanning from military bases, office buildings, spacecraft to forest wetlands
- r_speeds will be kept to about 1000, maybe 1500 in very detailed bits
- Models will be in the same poly count range as those in the High-Def pack that comes with Blue-Shift.
- Thermonuclear bombs! (Not a player weapon of course ;) )

Weapon List:
- Knife
- Beretta 92F
- IMI Desert Eagle
- Franchi SPAS-12
- Colt m4 Carbine
- FN m249 SAW
- Barret Sniper Rifle
- Rail gun
- Laser Rifle
- Hyperblaster
- Flak rifle (doubles as flak grenade launcher)
- Laser shock rifle (Sniper)
- Annihilator (Rapid fire rocket launcher, mortar cannon)
- Grenade
- Satchel charge
- Alien shock trap

That's all I can think of right now. Also tommorow I'll be working on the website so something decent should be up soon. I've also started on mapping some of the levels and done some simple modelling.

Plus this game will not be in any way realistic. it may use some real world weapons but rest assured you can be a hyperactive bunny hopping psycho if you wish. :)

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