Persistent Kingdoms Fan-Made Videos No.3
The mod has been live for almost 2 months now! Multiple servers have sprung up since the release and more are on the way. We're very happy about the way things have been going and are eager to continue with the development of the mod.
We will be releasing a dev blog in the next few days on what we've managed to change and improve since 1.1 version came out.
But until then, have a look at some of the videos made by PK players! I realize even more are out there but we'll leave them for the 4th version of these series! If you would like your video shared here just send us a message.
Persistent Kingdoms #2: The Great Pleb War of Osvirklif by Spudgun Official
CI Gassing Trashtalkers | Persistent Kingdoms by Aittor
Persistent Kingdoms | Kingdom of Antioch: Ep1 by Tilko Official
Persistent Kingdoms Basics: Terminology by Spudgun Official
Knights of the Crusade vs Vandals // Field Battle // Persistent Kingdoms by Nessa of House Stark