Post news RSS Peripeteia Screenshot Saturday Sextuple Update Extravaganza

Peripeteia Screenshot Saturday videos from January 14th to February 18th.

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It's been a while since we posted an update on indieDB, sorry about the long silence. As per tradition, we were able to provide weekly updates on new features and map progress on our YouTube, Twitter and Discord, but neglected to post on here. As always, we're adding the music links for those who'd like the tunes to accompany them as they await the next update- this time posted in the usual bi-weekly format.

February 18th: Dust

In a forgotten town. On the edge of a lost sea. At the end of the line- will you find the answers you seek?

Music: “Augmented” by Singularity27

February 11th: Crater of belief

Grey buildings, red skies, dark eyes.

Song Oxytocin by the fantastic Pisca!

February 4th: Eerie

Seemed weird for our in-game screens not to light up their surroundings with an eerie glow. Here we showcase how this glow looks and works with the light meter.

The moodsetter is ‘Fxck Yxur Fxxlings’ by the wonderful Softxoxo’s

January 28th: Balcony

How many times have I woken up here? In this rain-soaked neon place?

The featured melody is “Leaving” by Pisca

January 21st: Dystopia

Explore a rain-soaked dystopia. We’ve been giving some of the older levels a workover.

January 14th: Smoke Break

This Screenshot Saturday Marie’s taking a ciggie break… PSA: smoking kills, even if you aren’t smoking the whole pack like JC Denton. (This will probably be as close as the voice actress ever gets to actual smoking)

Background music is by Pisca, the track is titled ‘pondering upon it …'

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