Hello folks i was able to get my pc up and running early feb thanks to help from moleman for walking me through how to build the thing and again with his help getting the OS up and running as well. I am happy to report that i got an early build of HWURM working since i used another mod as a base to work off of. Current races in this early build are as follows hiigaran, vaygr, kushan, taiidan, beast, somtaaw, turanics. Turanics are lacking ships in game atm will be working on that later on. Been working on taiidan currently, just added a new super capital ship that wasnt in the classic mod the taiidan super carrier thanks to herocrafter for providing it. Support units are in for the somtaaw and beast. So just like in hwc build carriers and support modules to increase ur fleet cap, and also beast infection is in. Will need to be worked on and should be working better once herocrafter fixes his version of it. Right now ive just been editing stats for the taiidan fleet, hp, speed, build cost build time etc, been working on adding E cannons for em. Only reason why im not working on this much or quickly is because my chair is causing me a great deal of tail bone pain just sitting in this thing for hrs and i bought a donut pillow hoping it would alleviate that issue, not sure so far on that one. I may end up getting a new chair come march. kinda hard to do any work on this mod when all i wanna do is get out of said chair eh. Well not the only reason really ive actually been wanting to try other games out now that i got this pc working but cant buy any right now. Anways once im rdy i will release the official RM mod of HWU which will have 7 races and after that ill be adding 3 more once im ready to do so, rest will be progenitor, kadeshi, republic taiidan. Also frankly there is no rush for me to release asap as theres honestly no deadline or anything. The classic mod took yrs to grow into what it was so there really isnt a rush here.
Pc up and running