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The Prometheus Secret Noohra has the honor of exhibiting at Pax South in January of 2019, so come play the game. The Steam integration is complete and the store page is live so you are welcome to add it to your Steam Wishlist.

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Things are fairly frantic at Ahavah Studio at the moment as we prepare for PAX South 2019. This is a huge honor for us as a small indie to exhibit at such a prestigious gaming event. South Africa is our home and I have never visited the USA or attend a PAX event so this experience is a dream come true for me. Beta 2 testing is under way so lots of work, if anybody has some spare gaming time and is truly interested in testing and providing feedback then give me a shout. This long 3.5 year journey is finally coming to a head and at times it seemed like it would never arrive, perseverance is a single word that describes it.


PAX is a very costly step for a small studio coming across from South Africa with the vast currency exchange rate difference, but it's an opportunity I would never miss, the event has always been on my bucket list and even shares my nickname "Pax". The event takes place from the 18th to 20th of January in San Antonio, our stand number is 10227 and I would be so honored if some of you turned up to play the game. We should launch the game shortly after the event in February of 2019.

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As a development update the game has been integrated into Steamworks and each platform and boss stage has an individual steam leaderboard. Steam achievements have also been included, the Steam store was approved and is live as coming soon where you can add it currently to your Wishlist. The latest gameplay video for the store can be viewed below.

The Prometheus secret contains a fair amount of symbolism highlighting the struggle within each one of us regarding the struggle between the light and darkness. This indie game is definitely a labor of love, having my own life transformed the game is dedicated to all those battling their own darkness, struggling to defeat their demons one day at a time.

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Now that the game has reached a production level of quality I have had a few positive comments around the graphical design of the game, that I suppose relies on the eye of the beholder. My only concern is that gamers might find it a little hard in the beginning and not push through to all that the game eventually offers as it unfolds.

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