New Map: Killhouse Breach
Killhouse Breach is a new Killhouse variant, designed around the Attack/Defend game mode, with two opposite bases, a central CQB area, LOTS of doors, and the largest gameplay space in Killhouse yet. While some long-range combat can occur, the tight spaces and plentiful cover encourages sudden, close range games. While designed primarily for Attack/Defend, it is a generally symmetrical map for TDM, LMS, and is also supported in Tango Hunt and Bomb disarm in Single Player and Co-Op.
Available Game Modes:
- Bomb Disarm
- Tango Hunt
- Attack/Defend (2 variants)
New Map Relight: Cargo Day
Cargo Day is a relight for the Cargo Ship map, setting it in a bright afternoon setting. This fundamentally changes the core gameplay on the Cargo map, because long sight lines and bright colors offer a dramatic difference from the dark alleys of Cargo Ship. This map is available in Single Player, Co-Op, and Versus, and also includes the appropriate “Firefight” maps created for the main Cargo Ship.
Available Game Modes:
- Bomb Disarm
- Tango Hunt
- Attack/Defend (2 variants)
Steam VOIP:
- Can be enabled/disabled in Options/Audio
- Mute players enabled in Lobby
Squad AI Updates:
Squad AI Behavior and Commands:
- Squad AI targeting has been revamped, and will now prioritize engaging targets over moving
- When given the Cover Direction command, they will focus their fields of fire in the direction the player is facing when the order is given, and use appropriate cover if nearby.
New AI Command List toggled with the Z key.- Cover Direction
- Fall In
- ROE Aggressive
- ROE Defensive
- Tweaked Player AI listening so they are less responsive to random noises. They should still respond to alarming or loud noises.
- AI will only crouch walk if player is crouched and ROE is Passive.
- AI will now stand if in cover that only allows lean right/left actions.
- Move/Follow command clears the player ai’s targeted enemy list, which should allow them to move more promptly after losing LOS to target.
- Prevent ‘crouch-stand-crouch-stand’ behavior when in combat. AI now tracks whether or not it has already stood-up from cover and won’t do it at the same cover point twice.
- Reduced AI delay before turning to final direction after moving.
Enemy AI Updates:
- Enemy AI now less likely to retreat on first contact, tactics revamp when LOS is lost to target
- Pirate AI now less likely to seek cover
- Enemy VO revamp: generally talk less, longer gaps between same call, re-prioritized speaking various actions.
UI: Loadouts
- Loadouts can now be edited from the Loadout Selection in the Lobby and Single Player selection screen, so players no longer are forced to return to Main Menu.
UI Control Options
- Disable/Enable VOIP in Options/Audio
- Reset to Default Option added in Options/Controls
- Toggle Features added to Options/Gameplay:
~ Toggle Aim Down Sights
~ Toggle Lean
~ Toggle Crouch
~ Swap Run/Walk
Gameplay Fixes/Additions:- Additional Fixes (Steam Announcement Character Limit Reached). Full List Here: