Hey guys,
This is Alfred, the new mouth of Crankshaft Games. I'll do my best to keep you guys updated on everything sinful going on at this party. So many atrocities have been committed (to our SVN) since the last update that I'll be splitting up the content into 2-3 posts. We've got updates on game development conferences, content updates from all departments (art, sound and coding) and a couple miscellaneous items to throw down your Gluttonous hatch. Dessert first:
We're on track to hit Alpha in early January! This means that we're in that golden stage of development where we get to start really making the game fun instead of just teasing ourselves with awesome content that no one gets to see in action. Wondering what this means for you? (Oh Greedy one!) Well, we'll be opening our very first testing session at MAGFest (Jan. 5th - 8th) in 10 days! You can view registration information here. Come play and give feedback on Party of Sin before any of your friends!
Additionally, we've reserved a booth at PAX where the whole team will convene to meet each other (some of us for the first time!) and you! Register here to meet us in person and play the nearly-finished product. We'll have T-shirts and posters to give away.
Finally, we'll be launching a Kickstarter page shortly to raise money for PAX and the rest of our expenses. The team is all volunteers; we need your help to push the game through the final stages!
See you there!
~The Party of Sins
PS: Expect another post soon with information on what our sound guy, artists and coders have been up to!
Hm, unfortunately I cant be there :/