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As the development continues on the new 3D Sprout's Tale we introduce fire and water to the mix as well as their particle effects.

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I've opened this damn document about ten times in the past ten days trying to put words together. I keep telling myself that once we have some content to release, the words will write themselves.

But we do and they aren't. Lazy words.

The last week's been pretty busy. Personally and professionally. Major changes in the works on both fronts, though neither will affect Sprout's Tale. Look, it's enough to say I've accidentally worn the same shirt to work two days in a row. My mind's a bit full.

But let's get down to business. This week, thanks to help from @PetertheHe, we've seen some pretty serious progress on the coding front. Also, through some fairly lengthy discussions with Murilo and Matt, we've gotten closer to putting the proper fire stuff together. Murilo spent some hours tweaking the fire particles so we could have something that more fits in with the overall appearance of the world we are creating.

Particles are fun! That's going to be the general shape and look of the fire that surrounds our fire enemy. It will create light in dark caves and also spread across areas where grass has been grown. This is going to cause some pretty serious problems for the player in the game and will be the basis of what I think are some pretty interesting puzzles.

Okay, so now that you understand that fire is both useful and dangerous, let's talk about fire's greatest enemy: Water. Water's been in the books since day one, but it's a daunting task, finding a way to work it in without opening ourselves up to a plague of bugs. This week, we finally made some progress toward bringing functional water into the game.

A cloud made of particles that rains particles to extinguish particles.

Clouds can be used as platforms and ways to grow seeds, defeat enemies, and extinguish fires. In the picture above, you can see, barely, an early version of the way the rain is going to look. Rain's going to be a vital tool in the game, but probably somewhat rare.

Currently, we're working on getting tree growth in. Once that's perfected, it's going to be a matter of perfecting and optimizing while we pull the art stuff together. Then? Trailer time.
Thanks for your patience. Stick with us. We won't disappoint you!

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