Post news RSS Orb of Dilaaria Released!

After three years of development, Orb of Dilaaria has been released. Though based on the Wolfenstein 3-D engine, you will find that it has been greatly expanded to create a game that is in a class by itself while retaining the feel of the original. A completely new world and indepth storyline was formed

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After three years of development, Orb of Dilaaria has been released. Though based on the Wolfenstein 3-D engine, you will find that it has been greatly expanded to create a game that is in a class by itself while retaining the feel of the original. A completely new world and indepth storyline was formed in order to provide the player with a more enjoyable and immersive experience. There are too many additions to the engine to list them all, but they include:
- multi-texture floors and ceiling,
- cloud, parallaxing sky, and ceiling mixtures,
- more than 20 different character types, each with their own special abilities,
- and many other improvements over the original engine.

I hope you enjoy it!

Orb of Dilaaria Title ScreenSentries
A guardian saying "hello"A walk through the forest...

Download: Moddb Mirror

Chunky - - 1,415 comments

A big thanks to everyone who contributed to the ZDoom Monster WAD Resource. Their great artwork was my inspiration to make Orb more than just a simple total conversion. At first, I thought I could tackle this mod on my own, but it was soon apparent that I lacked several skills and I'd like to thank the development team for stepping up to the challenge. I could not have asked for a better team. Ack did 99% of the maps, Majik Monkee did several guards, and Ringman helped with most of the wall, flat, and object graphics. I should also mention the great testing team: AReyeP, Arielus, and Liza Walley. Without them, the game would have been riddled with annoying bugs. Their help and suggestions are much appreciated. And finally to the makers of all the original graphic and sound sources upon which this game bases its graphics and sounds (a complete list is found in the game). Last, but not least, my wife, for providing the text and voice for the monks.

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JWB128 - - 4 comments

I been waiting for this one and hope this game will blow you away. :O

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r4scal - - 46 comments

reminds me of the good old Hexen and Heretic time *dreamz*

Gotta try this one ;D

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