Post news RSS OpenSmash for Unity - a clarification

OpenSmash and Super Smash Bros. Feud: what this discovery means.

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So, I was browsing the net while taking a little break from animating, and was blown away by what I found.

A Unity-based engine called OpenSmash is being made that lets you build your own character set. Which leads me to clarify something:

Super Smash Bros. Feud is its own, distinct entity, seperate from OpenSmash. Everything will be made and prefabbed from scratch. Not to criticize, but I prefer to create my own game and system. I feel like using OpenSmash will be taking the easy and lazy way out. The whole point is to make something new.

OpenSmash is designed to replace Super Smash Bros. Brawl modding. My game is meant to be a completely different and new and full game.

I just wanted to clear it up. Now I shall return to animating. Working on some reworked veterans at this time.

Mrsonicfan17 - - 5 comments

Well ok

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