Post news RSS Openning of the Wiki of Build & Defend and Release of the version 1.0.2

You are tired to die because you don't know how to make arrow reflection potion? You want to know how to have an army to defend your fortress? You can know read all about that on the new Wiki of Build and Defend. Also, do not hesitate to share your survival strategies on the Wiki. Also, learn about the new feature of the Beta!

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You are tired to die because you don't know how to make arrow reflection potion? You want to know how to have an army to defend your fortress? You can know read all about that on the new Wiki of Build and Defend at

Also, do not hesitate to share your survival strategies on the Wiki.

Also, the Alpha version of Build & Defend is now over, and this is the beginning of the Beta! This new version include a lot of new game content (and a lot of solved bugs :) ):
- New terrain engine (world up to x16 bigger).
- Massive optimization of the liquids engine, path finding engine, and AI engine.
- LAN game detection (UDP broadcast).
- You can know give potions to workers and elfs.
- Workers do not die immediately anymore. Instead, they pass out and you have 3 min to make them drink a healing potion.
- You can now find stone in the ground.
- Addition of the squad system for the worker (see the wiki for more details).
- The game pause when you open your inventory (solo game only).
- A new tutorial slide.
- The workers do not stack on top of each other (but they push each other).
- You start the game with a wood sword, some wood, a dog, a sheep and some wheat.

As always, I hope you will enjoy this new version !


etxrase - - 103 comments

really nice work, but you should fix that typo (know should be now on the 4. update line)

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