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Greetings, fellow Half-Life² mod enthusiasts. Just a little update from us here at the DI squad. We have released a video hilighting a few moments of actual gameplay for the mod, which is still under construction, but making great progress. The video is approximately 3 minutes long and can be downloaded

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Greetings, fellow Half-Life² mod enthusiasts. Just a little update from us here at the DI squad. We have released a video hilighting a few moments of actual gameplay for the mod, which is still under construction, but making great progress. The video is approximately 3 minutes long and can be downloaded at this link (WinRAR is required for you to be able to open the file). Pure unadulterated uncensored dino-on... well, HL² action at its finest right there. That's just what we're at right now, imagine what it'll look like once the final edition is done! Now then, even though the mod is making great progress, we are still in dire need of coders- please, if you're an experienced coder, show off your stuff to the DI team and you can probably get on board this juggernaut (bitch) before it's too late.

-DI Team

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