I know it's been a while, but we have been so caught up with school and our own lives, but we are really trying on this, and we have finally got to more picture to show you! One was made a few weeks ago, and the other about a week - sorry for not posting it earlier, but i've been busy too.
Anyway, heres the picture of the original model made by Pike and then the picture of it skinned by Goliath the God (Click on pictures to enlarge)
(Prism Tower)
Next is yet another model created by Pike, and then another picture of the model skinned by Afronight_76 (Click on pictures to enlarge)
(Apacolypse Tank)
Hope you like the pictures! For more information about our project, check our profile out or check our website at cott.moddb.com
Sorry for taking so long to auth :)