Post news RSS Official Darkness 1.4 East Coast Server Up

There are now 2 official Darkness 1.4 servers in the world: One in Germany and one in Michigan.

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For a while, the only Darkness server out there was running on my development system. Players suffered when my Internet connection went down, when I was doing resource intensive development work, or even when I was just relaxing watching a movie on Netflix. But now, nearly a month after the release of Darkness 1.0, there are two official dedicated servers running, and my development sytem isn't one of them! Players can now choose from servers in Michigan and Germany!

In other news: Darkness 1.4 is working well enough that I can put off the delivery of Darkness 1.5 until I've got more maps and models done. So for the time being, we'll have to live with a few silly bugs:

  • spider visible to other players. Yes, you'll glow blue. Yes, you should turn it off when you're stalking prey
  • the client may crash if you switch servers without disconnecting first or if you change resolution at the wrong time. Until I've got these bugs fixed, change resolution before you connect to a game, and use the console's "disconnect" command before you change servers.

As for the map I'm working on: How about a small map, something like a search and rescue space vessel?

See you on the servers!

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