Even tho the game uses procedurally generated levels, and I originally never used a level-editor, the game is now getting just that: A level editor!
People asked for it, and I figured it would be a fun thing to try and get up and running. Since I'm building it directly into the game, most of the logic is all up and running coming straight from the game. So it's just a matter of creating a level, placing monsters items and doors, and then run through it.
The editor is still in a sort of alpha state, but it's already possible to create some levels pretty quickly, and most of the stuff you would want in a level can be added. Probably the most important feature lacking is the saving and loading of your creations, so I'll try to get that up and running as soon as possible.
Have a look at the editor in action:
I just pushed an update of the game to Steam with the editor available, but you'll have to switch it on first as it's not visible by default.
To activate the editor do the following:
1. From within steam, right click on the game and select Properties
2. at the "startup options" add: edit
3. run the game.
If done correctly it gives you a "create" menu item under the quit item in the main menu.
Right now you can create a level, and test the level. but there is no saving/loading implemented yet.. it can also bug out at any time, so don't go crazy on making awesome levels just yet!
The plan is to add steam workshop later so that we can play stand-alone missions created by the community (hopefully).
Feedback on the editor is appreciated!
For the full list of updates, changes and fixes check out the Steam Anouncements page.