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overused headline aside, I thought that given that largely warm reception people have given to the larger unit concepts showcased so far now might be the time to reveal some of the smaller ones, in this case four of the various British fighter types. Each has a different role, different abilities etc,

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overused headline aside, I thought that given that largely warm reception people have given to the larger unit concepts showcased so far now might be the time to reveal some of the smaller ones, in this case four of the various British fighter types. Each has a different role, different abilities etc, but all are united by the single purpose for their existence, the destruction of enemy fighters and bombers.

The next release will focus again on strike craft, but will look at the various classes of bombers available.

SinKing - - 3,119 comments

Your work is getting better and better! It woul be easy to make models from your very clean blueprints and I suppose you know a good lot about modelling and will make some models for this mod, soon. Each of these planes has something unique about it and make you wanna flytest them instantly. Only thing I got to criticise is that the Wings on the Dart Interceptor's lower side look a little out of proprtion. Even though it looks good to have the wings on top have different sizes, I think the wings below should be the same size and maybe the one in the middle can be left out. Nice drawings, you will probably get models made in no time.
Doing this on the homeworld2 engine? Could look good, but can clouds be made in the Homeworld engine? It would be a bit dull if its always in wide open space, because the levels wouldn't have much variation and even a bis range of planes would require some kind of ambient surrounding to fit them in.Of course there can be blimps and flying islands and flying manufacturies which hover in the air through helicopterlike blades over their smoke exausts. Also there might be some huge, inhabited structures flying by kind of chinese looking giant kites. Man, making all this up is fun. You are doing a great job so far, hope you find the people you need!


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DrZais Author
DrZais - - 293 comments

Thanks for your feedback 'Sin-Tsu' :P
No really, it is incredibly helpful to hear what people make of them. Actually my modelling knowledge is limited to some very basic 3DS max work, almost all of which was for my own amusement. I think its probably mainly common sense to do concept art in such a way as to make it easy for other developers to work from. Anyway I'll give a quick response to your points;

The darts lower wings had to be smaller to facilitate landing and taking off from a runway. The bigger the lower wings are, the longer the undercarriage wouldve needed to be, the higher the aircrafts centre of gravity wouldve been and thus the more unstable it would've been. Although perhaps I went a bit too far sacrificing appearance for realism.
Clouds are possible in various forms in Homeworld 2, although in their current state they wouldnt quite come up to scratch for intresting weather. Also they are currently fixed, whereas I'd like to implement moving weather patterns, and have the overview of the map operate as a sort of weathermap, indicating wind directions, dangerous storms etc.
I dont want to populate the skies too heavily, really I want to go for the quite desolate feel that the original homeworld had. Aviation is still a relativley recent concept, so while there are friends and foes in the skies around you I want to create the impression you could go for days without meeting them.

'In the stratosphere, no one can hear you scream' kindve thing

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