Zaku Marine
So it has been a busy month, well not in gundam but with my professional life. Most of this month I have been trying to get the zaku marine done and out the door, man bandai cannot make up their mind about how it was supposed to look, there are like 3 distinct versions of the zaku marine, we are not even talking about the blue zaku mariner. None the less as always I settled on something and completed it:
( Click image for a larger version )
Tech Tree Update
I also continued work on sorting the zeon and federation tech trees.
( Click either image for a larger version )
Spring 84
The engine has been bumped up to version 84.0 from version 0.83. Changes were made in the engine which cause gundam to error. The only solution for this is a rushed 1.28 release. So I have done some work towards that this weekend and will try to make some head way with it this week as well.
for now, DO NOT UPDATE SPRING, you can still play singleplayer if you stay with the installer version of spring. I will try what I can to get 1.28 out the door for you guys, there will be bugs and imbalances but my hand is forced here.
Aside from the changes in the engine also there have been issues with older/low end video cards having issues with it. Namely you lot playing with laptops and the intel video cards. Mainly their issues seem to be with luashaders(according to KALAKA). So what you can try is:
go into springsettings.exe
choose expert mode
choose the renderquality/video mode section
uncheck enable lua shader support.
THIS WILL BREAK MANY VISUALS OF THE GAME but it might get you in game.
Peace out!
So do not update spring for now, ok. I havent loaded it up in a couple of weeks so I guess im ok and I hope that the spring gundam problem gets fixed later on. Also the speed boost thingy you were talking about on the forum seems like an intresting thing to implement.
Im guessing you dont get much feedback some of the time, if you dont get much was there a time when there was more and comments were plentlyful.
The forum used to be a lot more active but then I decided to try and integrate a CMS which Godaddy's **** poor database servers had issue with. So I tried a few others and that was over the span of a couple of years. The forums largely were broken for I want to say 6 months etc. A lot of people gave up on it after that.
Honestly one day I want to try another hosting company but I have payed for godaddy for the next 5 years already so I don't see myself moving the site any time soon.
Well it seems like toy have had alot of problems. Well I do hope that Gundam RTS does pick up in the near future so I would maybe keep your hopes up. It seems that spring is slowly dying as most people only play BA.
I voted for the indie mod of the year to let you know.