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A brief post about what's coming for Hearts of Iron Modern Warfare mod.

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Hi everyone,

I would like to update your all on what's going on with the mod right now as well as future development.

Beta 6 has no doubt taken the mod many steps forward but the irony is that with each addition and pieace of content we add to the mod the more complex/heavy it gets and in many cases we have to cut down on content not to overload the game engine which just isn't built to handle so much data and content.

Despite of all our efforts to make the game more friendly in the performance department it seems we have reached the peak of how much performance we can squeeze out of the game when its running the mod. Due to these considerations as well as my personal wish to "move on" with life I have decided that the next beta (7) will be the last update to the mod.

The development of the mod began in 2012 and has gone thru many changes/additions and cycles of development teams, all of this has demanded sacrifices from me in my personal life as well as what I had envisioned to the mod vs what can actually be done within the limitations of the game it is based on.

While Beta 7 will no doubt wont be able to finish all aspects of the mod we do intend to make it as broad as possible and close as many gaps in the various aspects the mod has intorudced into the game. I also want to allow everyone to play all the bookmarks we have set for the mod so Beta 7 will allow you all to play both the Syrian and Ukranian civil wars but they will not be as in-depth as much as they would be if they were released in seperate updates.


As for the future of Modern Warafre - I am afraid I cannot promise much, modding has been a great fun and I have enjoyed working on this mod and bringing something really new into the Hoi3 community and allow players to play a mod which is very different than anything else intoroduced before.

However, developing total conversion mods for games such as these is a daunting task and a huge challange especially when a very small team (and especially one person only) is working on it. I am not sure I have what it takes to take on another challange like this for HOI4 and even if I do I will probably want to explore other era's than the modern timeline.

I don't want to promise anything since I have no idea what I am going to do and if I am going to do anything at all with regards to HOI4 modding or any modding at all in the future.

I want to thank anyone who has stayed on board and helped in any way with the mod... be it feedback, disscussions or anything else. I have met many amazing people while working on this project and it was great. Be sure that as long as it is up to me we will deliver the best update we can even if its the last one and perhaps one day we will meet again on the battlefield of Paradox games.

Once i've setteled on anything I will post an announcment regarding the features of Beta 7 and eventually a release date.

Thank you all, its been a pleasure.


AlexFRD - - 62 comments

It's sad to see this go. Anyway, I'm going to provide some feedback. I think that maybe it's best to cut back on the insanely huge amount of provinces this mod has. I play this mod on a SSD gaming laptop from 2015 and the lag is near unbearable. The passage of time is as slow as is it was on the Semper Fi release of the vanilla game using a 5 year old non-gaming, moving parts laptop. I'm not out to hate or rage on the mod, but it takes about half an hour for one in-game year to pass. If you want to increase performance, you might want to cut back on the amount of provinces. In some places it makes sense, like Taiwan, Israel and some parts of Ukraine but in most of Europe, over half of Russia and arguably the American continent it's not really necessary to have such a high surplus of provinces. Just my opinion/performance feedback.

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KingKetsa - - 424 comments

I agree with this, play from an ssd on an outdated rig of about 4 years. Lag is crazy.

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PlayerHOI Author
PlayerHOI - - 609 comments

If it could be done, it would be done.

Unfortunately at this point it is not possible due to the way provinces are handled by the game.

It means either going back to the vanilla (terrible) map or staying with the current one.

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AlexFRD - - 62 comments

So there's no way to shoot for a middle ground? Damn it.

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maxkanns - - 4 comments

Hey m8.
I try to install this mod for ages now, always had problems. It worked for me now but i still cant play, when i chose a country and begin it it puts me in the Loading Screen with the WTC in the background and loads. Th task manager says its inactive and i cant open Steam Ingame. Ive tryed to reinstall and everything but nothing used to help.

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Bleakie/hosorne - - 4 comments

The Syrian War won't work on HOI3 it is simply too complex unless you add loads of micro regions.

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