Post news RSS NEWS: New maps, enhanced maps, and updated weapons!

New maps, enhanced maps, and updated weapons and more are shown off in this article!

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High above the streets of City 96 rest The Apartment Complexes. Once inhabited by the civilians of the city, they soon became overran with violence when the uprising started. Many firefights took place between the Combine Forces and C.P.M.C, the latter being aided by their allies, the Lambda Rebels.

The recent C.P.M.C victory against The Combine, and subsequent capturing of City 96, has left these once bustling apartments eerily abandoned. The only signs of life once being present are the belonging's of its previous inhabitants, and their decomposing bodies, some of which have been resurrected by the headcrab parasites dispersed by The Combine during the initial battle. The C.P.M.C having neglected to sterilize the area of these pests, rather opting to just neglect them, allowing the headcrabs to fester, breed, and feed on any lingering Combine survivors who might pass through in search of safety.

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In contrast to The Apartment complexes which reach far into the sky, The Nursery hides far below, unknown to those above. It is a secret place known only to the high ranking Combine Advisors and their loyal Elite soldiers. With the exception that its location has been disclosed to you for the purposes of your mission; Locating The "Daughter" of a high ranking Combine official, she's the V.I.P you've heard so much about, and this was her last known location.

Unfortunately for you and Cal, she's not the only one lurking down here. Its not the C.P.M.C, nor The Rebels. The resident of this hallowed place bears allegiance to no such cause or ideology, for in his view to do so would be slavery. Total freedom is his master, his commander, and his mistress. He will not flirt with anything less. Which is exactly why he won't take kindly to you, a Conscript Soldier, bringing a Combine presence to his sanctuary. He worked hard to escape from the Combine's grasp, his team did not take kindly to his desertion, so he put them down like the filthy Combine dogs they are. he's not going to let you drag him back into slavery the same way that they tried to.

However... the identity of this resident will be elaborated on further in another showcase. For now, enjoy these screenshots of his newfound sanctuary. (these maps have been shown off before, but they've undergone some improvements)

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One of the things we haven't really shown off much yet is the changes to the weapons in Coalition. There are currently entirely new functions, handling, animations, textures, edited models, etc that have been added or are still being worked on, but we have not yet shown off yet. Here is a peek at some of what we've been working on.

image 17

Tabajara77 - - 317 comments

Nice Combine architecture!

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MidnightMurda - - 133 comments

Hey Eyeling good to see some news!

Regarding the apartments map there's a couple things that I believe could be improved, the lightning needs to be remade from scratch its way too dimed compared to the light props you used and having different colors when the light bulb is white doesn't really make sense (Also the flying particles don't look that good).

Having ventilations shafts visible and this big in such a small space also doesn't make sense this is more of a industrial or office thing and not having windows, even barricaded ones, doesn't make the scene believable, having light coming from outside would help the player believe that there is something else beyond those walls, right now it just feels like nothing exists outside of this map.

And one last thing when it comes to brush its a bit too cubic shaped and confined, a bit of variety and more open spaces wouldn't hurt.

The best advice I could give you is to google "eastern europe apartment corridor abandoned" for exemple since half life 2 is based in eastern europe, and get inspiration from there.

Here are a couple exemple :

Using real world locations to inspire your work will tremendously boost your creativity.

In hope that you don't see this as condescending but as a couple of friendly advices. Cheers.

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Mr.Stukov - - 50 comments

I wrote in Russian, I will translate it with Google, as it is.

1. It is better to google it with the words (abandoned high-rise building) - "заброшенная многоэтажка" or (abandoned apartment building) - "заброшенный многоквартирный дом". It will immediately give out options in Russians site and post-soviet style houses. You can to search on youtube, but in results will be a bunch of bloggers who imitate MYSTIC (whooooah, house with the ghost111) - you don’t need this.

For example here:

2. Lighting is crap. People don't makes in living quarters ORANGE and BLUE PALETTE ligth. This is not a poster for a Hollywood movie.

I understand the idea of ​​making "on-duty and dead lighting" in the corridor, but in apartments the light should be natural.

P.s. "on-duty lighting" - lol, it's google translate "дежурное освещение" - emergency lighting - but i more meaning this:

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