So since I last posted, we've gone and done a few more things. The next boss in the game (after Donald McRonald) has been finished and we're onto creating an arena to fight him in. We haven't started any new maps, but instead, have been completing various other aspects of the mod.
This includes replacing:
- Zombies (with the haemogoblins)
- Headcrabs (with giant red blood cells)
- Antlion Guard (a yet-to-be-announced boss)
- Existing Jim's Neighbour and Jim voice lines
- Jom, the pair of underpants on Jim's head (replaced with a narrator, courtesy of Philip from PlanetPhilip)
Jim's voice has had the largest revamp - Jim is now a tryhard badass: he wants to be cool but his voice can't quite handle being Duke Nukem. You'll find a lot of Duke Nukem and Postal influence in some of his lines.
In addition, we've been updating the existing maps to be slightly less painful on the eyes whilst retaining the classic car-poral keys eye-bleach-required look. Subtitles are being added and overall the mod is becoming more fleshed out.
Enjoy a couple of videos of the narrator in action and the haemogoblin.
It may be difficult, but the secrets of the tribe only unlock with an originiginal code.
I'm still having a great amount of difficulty comprehending just what this is. And it's damn awesome.
yeah me too
but we'll see