First off, I want to remind you all that this custom story focus a lot on the storyline. I put effort into the gameplay, scares and features as well, but making a unique story was my main goal. The summary even says
"If you only want simple puzzles and don't care about the story line at all, then this is not the right mod for you"
With that said, I want to thank everyone that pays attention to the story. When you people ask me in the comment section "Hey, I liked this music you used, what is it called?" "I read the trivia, could you explain a little more?" That makes me happy, because that means you care about the story and tried to immersive yourselfs with the storys atmopshere.
However, I also see a lot of people that don't give a shit about the story at all, and you know what, that's fine. I don't enjoy watching people making commentarys like "AAAAAA OMG MONSTER!!!! *picks up note* fuck that! I can't read all that!!, but it's fine, I know some people don't care about storylines, not just in my story, but with all kind of games and mods.
What does annoy me though is when people get stuck because they refuse to even read the mementos and then complain about it and ask me questions here at moddb, and all I do is just copy the memento from the story ^^.
When the description of the story warns you that you will most likely not enjoy it if you don't care about the story and hate hard puzzles, what do you expect? Granted, if they don't read in-game, why would they read the description?
I have also been asked a few times "why don't I get the good ending?" "How do I get the good ending?"
Well, to get the good ending, you need to pay attention to the story ^_^.
The story is using a morality point system. To get the best possible ending, you need to get enough points. Points are earned by exploring, reading certain notes, listening to certain waxroll messages, starting/listening to certain conversations and doing a few other positive things for other people in the story.
You can get the good ending while not paying attention to the story as well as solving puzzles, but it's much harder. I plan on uploading a guide for those intrested to get the best possible ending.
I might also make one last update in the future which will fix a couple of missing models and a couple of minor things.
can i download a soundtrack file